End of War

Concept Explanation

End of War

The End of War: The phase of struggle with US was brutal as it widely used chemical weapons Napalm, Agent orange and phosphorous bombs. Besides soldiers a large number of civilians died in this war. Despite an international outcry, chemical weapons were used in the Vietnam War by the US media and films played a major role in both supporting as well as criticising the Hollywood made film in support of the war, such as John Wayne’s Green Berets (1968). Some films tried to understand the reasons for this war. Francis Ford Coppola’s Apocalypse Now (1979) suggested the moral confusion faced by the US.

The US military involvement ended on 15th August, 1973, as a result of the Case-Church amendment passed by the US Congress which prohibited further US military activity in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia unless the President secured congressional approval in advance. The capture of Saigon by the Vietnam People’s Army in April 1975, marked end of the war. The North and South Vietnam were reunified in 1976.

 #Napalm :- An organic compound used to thicken gasoline for firebombs . The mixture burns slowly and when it comes in contact with surfaces like the human body , it sticks and continues to burn . It was used in second world war and Vietnam War .  

#Agent Orange :- It is a defoliant , a plant killer , so called because it was stored in drums marked with an orange band . Between 1961 and 1971 some 11 million gallons of this chemical was sprayed from cargo planes by US forces . their plan was to destroy forests and fields , so that it would be easier to kill if there was no jungle cover for people to hide in  .Over 14% of the country"s farmland was affected by this poison. Its effect has been staggering , continuing to affect people till today . Dioxin , an element of Agent Orange , is known to cause cancer and brain damage in children and according to a a study , it is also the cause of the high incidence of deformities found in the sprayed areas . 


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